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A representative from that department will respond via e-mail or by phone at a later date.

Use of the personal information which you provide will be limited to answering your inquiry and sending you documents or materials.

Privacy Policy

Fuji P.S and the Fuji P.S Group (hereafter, “the Group”) recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and works to safeguard it in accordance with the following privacy policy.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information

The Group shall acquire personal information through lawful and fair means.

2. Use of Personal Information

The Group shall use personal information only to the extent necessary for conducting business and only within the scope of intended use given at the time the information was acquired.
When personal information is to be jointly used with a third party, or when the handling of personal information is to be outsourced to a third party, the Group shall rigorously investigate the third party before concluding an appropriate agreement with said party, and shall conduct appropriate monitoring to ensure confidentiality is maintained.

3. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Unless required by law, the Group shall not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the persons to whom the personal information pertains.

4. Measures for Safely Managing Personal Information

The Group shall work to ensure personal information is accurate and up-to-date and shall provide employees and corporate officers with education and training on how to protect personal information from unauthorized access, falsification, leakage, loss or destruction. Appropriate information security measures shall also be taken against computer viruses and other risks.

5. Disclosure, Amendment, Suspension of Use and Deletion of Personal Information

The Group shall respond appropriately and promptly to complaints and requests for consultation about, or disclosure, amendment, suspension of use or deletion of, personal information from persons who are the subject of personal information held by the Group. Inquiries about personal information held by the Group shall be handled by the Corporate Planning Office.

6. Organization and Structure

The Group shall appoint a Personal Information General Manager and Personal Information Supervisor to perform appropriate management of personal information.
The Group shall endeavor to raise awareness among corporate officers and employees about personal information protection, and shall ensure personal information is appropriately handled in the course of daily operations.

7. Establishment, Implementation, Maintenance and Improvement of Personal Information Protection Rules

The Group shall establish rules for personal information protection, shall disseminate these rules to Group corporate officers, employees and other relevant parties, and shall then ensure the rules are implemented and maintained, as well as improved on an ongoing basis.

Fuji P.S Corporation

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